Custom AD DA Analog Input Output Board Cards

CPCC unit is an affordable custom solution for custom AD, DA digital and analog input output board and card. CPCC unit is a unique solution delivering custom hardware and software to meet your exact application demands. Our policy, delivering the latest technology customized at affordable cost, will improve and boost your application.There are many CPCC features and benefits in custom digital, analog input output board and cards, some of them are:

  • Unlimited number of AD analog to digital converters/ DA digital to analog converses/ IO ports/ various power drivers
  • Various types AD – analog to digital converters, DA – digital to analog converters, from 12 to 24 bits resolution, high speed, with various scales and sensitivities.
  • Custom hardware and software to meet your exact application demands
  • Full system integration
  • Latest technology
  • Saving your time, your money, and your resources
  • Dedicated PC USB 2.0 link 480 Megabits for your application.

To fully appreciate the benefits and features for custom AD DA digital and analog input output board and cards, please refer to What We Do.