Custom Function Wave Generator

CPCC concept has various benefits for custom wave function generators.
As CPCC unit is custom software and custom electronic with customized PC USB 2.0 480 Megabits, to satisfy all your requirements.

  • CPCC unit is not limited in the number of channels and is capable of running various DA digital to analog converters.
  • We are not limited by analog to digital converter resolution and speed.
  • We are delivering custom analog output from DA – digital to analog converters.
  • All wave function and curves can be directly seen on the PC.
  • We are generating various functions or we can generate any function.
  • We are delivering affordable custom software and hardware for function wave generator plus customized Excel and Access where you can create your oven function.
  • Our policy, delivering custom solution at affordable cost ,saving you money.
  • Using the latest technology.

There are many features and benefits for function wave generator which we have not mentioned above, to see them please refer to other pages, but start with page
What We Do.