CPCC unit based on USB 2.0 serial PC communications. Their adaptability and flexibility represent perfect solutions for affordable custom USB data acquisition. Some of the benefits of CPCC as USB data acquisition are:
- No limitations in the number of channels.
- Various types of custom channels: I/O input output, D/A converters, A/D converters, any resolution and sensitivity, and at high speed,
- An extremely high number of channels can be run simultaneously with the CPCU unit.
- Additional channels with various power drivers.
- Simultaneously run numerous synchronized PCs to multiply PC processing power.
- USB PC custom process control, as an additional option for your USB data acquisition.
- Custom hardware and software which is part of CPCC unit, is an ideal solution which will completely satisfy your application requirements – with full support of the USB data acquisition.
- A pre designed software acquisition module – which can be customized and utilized immediately.
We can deliver complete system configuration and solutions for expansion, sensor inputs, and real-time software. Data acquisition based on CPCC units will be configured and optimized for your system. For additional information on USB Data Acquisition please refer to web pages What-We-Do, Data Acquisition and the page Flexibility Features. Within page Examples you can see: data logger, timers, 1024 channel power drivers and other CPCC applications.
With the USB benefits and custom software and hardware which is CPCC based, the unit will provide simple and cost effective solutions. Therefore the CPCC is a flexible multi-purpose platform, based on analog and digital electronics with various analog to digital, digital to analog, power driver channels and other electronics circuits that can meet a wide variety of requirements, custom equipment and many different tasks. With additional custom software and USB 2.0 PC link no hardware or software problem is too great! Please refer to What We Do.
Saves money, time and recourses – CPCC can provide custom affordable data acquisition solutions, fully integrated data acquisition systems to satisfy your specifications. Alternatively we can supply small hardware and software components and modules to help you complete your existing system. We can deliver complete system configuration and solutions for expansion, sensor inputs, and real-time software. Data acquisition based on CPCC units will be configured and optimized for your system and enhance your compatibles.